Systemic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on how an individual's personal relationships, behavior patterns, and life choices are interconnected with the issues they face in their life.
Systemic Therapy
Anger management: Many people with anger problems never learned appropriate ways to express feelings of frustration and anger. Systemic therapy helps individuals understand how anger can be expressed in damaging ways that affect their relationships and interpersonal communication.
Mood disorders: People with depression or bipolar disorder often have longstanding issues they may need to work through before they can address the more immediate symptoms of these mental health problems.
Relationship difficulties: Sometimes couples or families come to therapy hoping to learn how to communicate more effectively with each other. Systemic therapy can help them identify hidden issues that may be sabotaging their attempts at mutual understanding and create a platform for evolving more effective ways of interacting.
Conduct disorder: This is a childhood condition marked by aggressive and destructive behavior. Systemic therapy can help the individual improve impulse control, develop appropriate social skills, and understand how family dynamics may be influencing their actions.
Anxiety: A systemic approach can help individuals identify the origin of their fears and provide strategies to overcome them.
PTSD: Systemic therapy can help individuals who have experienced traumatic events understand how their memories of these events are affecting their current lives.